Female Attraction Mastermind

Hey, it’s Adriana. Quick question…

“How Many Times Have You FAILED To FVCK A Girl You Really Like?”

Once… a few times… all the time?

Maybe you got her number and even took her out on a date or two, but you just couldn’t close the deal.

Or maybe you didn’t even approach her at all because you were too scared of being rejected and embarrassed.

Whatever the case is, it feels awful not getting the girl, doesn’t it?

Especially when she ends up hooking up with another guy while you end up alone.

Like I said, my name’s Adriana. I’m one of the coaches here at We Teach Sex.


And I have one more question for you…

“What’s The Difference Between The Guy Who Fvcks ALL The Hot Girls… And You?”

The reason some guys can get girls and other guys get rejected is pretty simple…

The guys who get the girls know how to get her excited and sexually turned on BEFORE they get to the bedroom.

This skill is called Sexual Magnetism.

I’m sure you’ve had a few friends or seen other guys who weren’t very good looking or rich that had this effect on women.

I bet you always wonder…

“How the Hell Did He Get Her?”

It’s because those types of guys can get us feeling horny BEFORE we even get to the bedroom.

If you don’t know how to get a girl hot for you, you’re not going to have any sex.

This is true whether you’re just meeting a girl for the first time, or if you’ve been in a relationship with her for years.

The sad truth is, most guys don’t know how to get women sexually turned on for them.

They do the same old things that end up making us bored or turned off.

And us women end up falling for ANOTHER guy who can get us excited and wanting them.

It sucks for you when this happens, but here’s the thing…

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Just like how it’s easy to become a great lover by learning a few of the right techniques…

… there are also proven techniques that get girls hot, horny, and turned on by you and only you every single time.

Anyways, I got together with a few of my bisexual girlfriends to share the secrets of how to blow a girl’s mind the first time you fvck her.

“We uncover everything from the first date to getting wild sex…”

We went around all the basics with full-on, girl-on-girl demonstrations.

Don’t you just love us bisexual girls?

I also recruited a very knowledgeable male friend.

Take all of my knowledge and sexy demonstrations with my girlfriends, and add a male perspective.

This way, you can learn everything.

We decided to call it, the…

Female Attraction Mastermind:

Blow Her Mind The First Time!

It’s an A-to-Z guide to getting the girl. A complete step-by-step system to getting the girl you want.

We’ll teach you everything to know in order to ace it the very first time with a hot girl.

Female Attraction Mastermind isn’t just a compilation of sex techniques.

It’s a complete step-by-step system to getting the girl you want.

You’ll discover everything from how to spark attraction and get a date to getting her excited and interested in you…

… to taking things to a physical level quickly and easily, to being the best your girl has ever had in bed.

This program contains EVERYTHING you need to have ultimate success with women…

… whether you’re looking to find a great girl and settle down or have some fun playing the field.

We’ve left nothing out.

In Female Attraction Mastermind, you’ll watch my beautiful girlfriends and I demonstrate and explain the step-by-step method to getting a girl from a date to the bedroom.

  • The first kiss, how to get it–without rejection…
  • Foreplay secrets that make her horny for you…
  • Sexual escalation, how to get her to say yes. How to get hard, stay hard, and control your stamina…
  • Get her to orgasm… (The girls and I demonstrate several different ways to do this. Multiple orgasm secrets…)
  • What to do immediately after sex while laying in bed with her…
  • What to do the next day and over the next few days to have the relationship you want…

That’s just the start.

I want to share with you the four programs, with over eight hours of content included in Female Attraction Mastermind.

I’m really proud of it and I think you’ll love it.

“Female Attraction Mastermind #1:
Sexual Escalation Secrets – The Step-By-Step Method To Getting Any Girl From A Date To The Bedroom

Sexual Escalation Secrets covers everything from when you meet your girl to getting her totally naked with you inside of her.

After watching this program, you will know exactly how to smoothly and naturally sexually escalate your date so that at the end of the night, she wants sex from you.

You’ll discover everything, from when to start physically touching her to the exact sequence to undress her that keeps her comfortable while turning her on.

It’s all demonstrated for you, so you do it perfectly the first time you are with a girl.

  • My special accidental stimulation trick, a seemingly innocent way to touch a woman that gets her wetter than just about anything else you can do, all while your clothes are still on…
  • The special seduction sequence that gets her so turned on she wants to have sex with you that night, even if she had planned on making you wait…
  • The place you should kiss a woman first–it’s NOT the lips that gets her excited and ultra-receptive to the rest of your advances…
  • A simple test that lets you know 100% sure if she wants to have sex with you. When you get the green light signal, it’s time to go for it…
  • How to make her feel like your naughty little princess and get her excited about doing wild things in bed, even if it’s your first time hooking up…
  • A huge mistake guys make that makes a woman feel like she will be slutty if she sleeps with you. Needless to say, if you do this, you are not going to get laid…
  • The first place on a woman’s body to make physical contact, touch her here before you touch her anywhere else or she may freeze up and reject you…
  • An area to kiss on her body most guys totally miss, yet is scientifically proven to increase blood flow to her naughty areas–by 73%…
  • The three things to do when you are hanging out with a woman that gets her horny and thinking about having sex with you…
  • Three things to being a gentleman–but still having that edge that triggers a woman’s primal sexual urges…
  • A new way to double the speed at which she gets turned on. This also makes her want to have sex with you twice as soon…
  • Why it’s crucial you meet up with her as soon as possible. Use this tactic to get the date after just a couple of texts every time…

“Female Attraction Mastermind #2:
Total Control, Complete Devotion To You – Advanced Communication Tactics

Many guys are very confused when communicating with women. There are so many options these days.

You’ll discover a step-by-step email text and phone sequences you can use with a girl to get her to want to go on a date with you, prevent her from faking, get her excited and expecting to have sexual relationships with you that night.

  • Discover the seven deadly mistakes guys make when emailing, texting or calling a woman that gets her to put you on the ignore list…
  • Why it’s crucial you meet up with her as soon as possible. Use this tactic to get the date just after a couple of texts every time…
  • First phone call tricks. How to call her up and get the date without rejection or nervousness…
  • Five sample texts you can steal and send to your girl whenever you want to get her thinking about you in a naughty way…
  • A simple test that lets you know 100% sure if she wants to have sex with you. When you get the green light signal, it’s time to go for it…
  • The exact sentence to use when asking a woman out over the phone that nearly always gets an enthusiastic yes…
  • A special text to send after you ask her out via the phone that gets her excited about seeing you so you can guarantee she won’t flake…
  • How to use a text message to get her turned on–before you meet up with her…
  • The vocal tone to use when talking to her on the phone or leaving her a voicemail that gets her turned on by the sound of your voice…
  • The best way to get a woman back to your place after a date…
  • A special type of date that gets a girl to see you as boyfriend material. Only do this with a girl you really like…
  • How to mix emails, texts, and phone calls to make her hot for you. Use this trick and before you know it, she’ll be messaging you to hang out…
  • A way to create a strong connection before you meet up so she starts imagining the two of you together and seeing you as her boyfriend…
  • A simple secret to use when emailing a woman for the first time that doubles your chances of her writing back…
  • The exact amount of time you should wait before responding to a message from a woman so you don’t come off as needy…
  • A funny, flirty text to send her when she is sitting right next to you that makes her want to get sexual with you right away…
  • How to date a girl you meet online. If you’re interested in dating a hot girl on your Facebook friends list, this is the way to do it…
  • The exact text you should send after the date that makes her want to meet up with you again fast. Don’t be too surprised if she starts texting you to hang out when you do this…

“Female Attraction Mastermind #3:
Total Control, Complete Devotion To You – Total Addiction, Get Her To Chase You…

The third program is centered around making her completely devoted to you.

It’s designed to give the guy more control and decide what type of relationship he would like to have.

When you use the information in this program, you can choose between a solely sexual relationship, a committed relationship, or marriage.

Total Control, Complete Devotion To You combines our sexual knowledge with one of our relationship-oriented instructors who has been involved in a steamy relationship that has stayed hot for years.

  • The secrets of sexual addiction, how to get your girl thinking about you day and night and even masturbating to thoughts of you…
  • How to handle the ex talk. All women will test you by asking about your past relationships. Here’s how to pass this crucial test every time…
  • The three things to do on your first date that let her know you are a catch she needs to land…
  • A date idea recommended by so many experts that practically guarantees you will kiss her…
  • How to make a woman very comfortable with you fast. Use this secret to create a connection that makes her miss you when you’re not around…
  • How to get a girl you want into a committed relationship with you, whether you’re looking for steady dating or marriage, family, and children…
  • A big mistake inexperienced guys make that causes a woman to think he’s needy. There is no bigger turn-off than a needy guy…
  • How often you need to have sex with a girl if you want to keep her interested in you…
  • A simple secret used by all guys who are naturals with women that gets her to chase you. (You’ll be amazed at how often women are calling you to hang out and even for sex when you do this…)
  • How to set up a dream relationship that suits you and your desires while keeping your girl happy, as well…
  • How to get a girl to want a committed relationship with you whether you’re looking for steady dating or marriage, family, and children…
  • What you must do differently if you want your relationship to just be sex. Newsflash, we girls like flings, too. The key is setting it up right and now, you’ll know exactly how…
  • How to find out what she likes to do so you can plan her best date ever…
  • How to handle it when your girl does something to upset you. Do this to show her you’re a man and earn her respect so she doesn’t do it again…

“Female Attraction Mastermind #4:
Sex Techniques To Blow Her Mind the First Time (With Demonstrations)

This special program shows you the specific sex techniques to use the first night with a new girl, because if you don’t ace the first night, she might not give you a second chance.

It is crucial you know these techniques if you want to have her keep coming back.

You’ll see explicit demonstrations of every hot sex technique by my sexy girlfriends, including the positions to use… how long to stay in each… and what you need to say during first time sex to get your girl sexually addicted to you.

These are just a few of the erotic new things you’ll discover inside…

  • The best time to give a girl an orgasm the first time you are with her and exactly how to guarantee she has an exciting orgasm…
  • How to eliminate any nervousness you have before you get to the bedroom so she sees you as an experienced stud who knows how to please her.
  • My special “works every time” way to give her an orgasm before you have penetration sex…
  • The one position you must never use during first-time sex. Sadly, most men’s magazines tell you to do this and they are dead wrong…
  • What to do differently if you’re on the smaller side down there. It makes no difference when you do this…
  • How to set up your place so that a girl feels comfortable and even turned on when she walks in.
  • The thing to do immediately upon entering your place to set the stage for naughty times…
  • How to connect with a girl on a deep emotional level and give that soulmate feeling she has waited for her whole life to find. (Warning, do not do this unless you intend to make her your girlfriend or wife.)

“Female Attraction Mastermind #5:
How to Un-Friend-Zone Yourself…

Special bonus, How To Un-Friend-Zone Yourself. In this powerful program, you’ll discover how to turn a female friend into a lover.

If you have a coworker, friend, or a neighbor you’ve always had a crush on, this shows you how to turn your relationship from just friends to sexual fast.

The five proven strategies in these programs enable you to get nearly any girl to think about you in a sexual way… then take things to a physical level–smoothly without rejection.

You can’t find these secrets in any other program, any book, any magazine, or anywhere else.

I want to make one thing clear.

Female Attraction Mastermind is not some lame couples video with outdated info from the ’80s and a bunch of fluff techniques that don’t work.

It’s 100% jam-packed with THE REAL SECRETS of how to get your girl into bed, then rock her world like no one ever has before.

You won’t find the techniques in this program anywhere else on the planet.

Only the elite group of men who choose to invest in this program will learn the information and I want you to be one of them.

Why this program is totally different from anything else out there…

Female Attraction Mastermind is completely different from any other sex or dating program that has ever been created before for three reasons.

Number one, it’s the first program ever to show you how to get from date to the bedroom.

There are a lot of programs out there on how to pick up girls, but once you’ve got her, then what?

If you don’t know how to make the next move with her, she’s not going to do it for you.

If you can’t please her in the bedroom, you will lose her.

That’s a big missing piece for so many guys and Female Attraction Mastermind is designed to fill it.

It’s the first program ever to show you the specific steps to take to get physical with a woman smoothly and without rejection, then give her orgasm after juicy orgasm once the clothes come off.

(Demonstrated By Two Bisexual Women.)

As a side effect, you’ll pick up a lot more girls because of the newfound confidence you gained once you know with absolute certainty that you know exactly what to do with her once you’ve got her.

How To Know If Female Attraction Mastermind Is Right For You…

While the techniques in Female Attraction Mastermind will improve ANY guy’s game with the ladies, it’s definitely not for everybody.

If you’re not comfortable watching explicit demonstrations of sex techniques, it’s definitely not for you.

If you’re the type of guy who’s had sex with dozens of different women and knows exactly how to get them from a date to the bedroom without rejection or nervousness, then you probably don’t need it.

On the other hand, there are guys out there for whom this program will be life-changing.

A new sense of sexual power with women.

Here’s Everything You Get:

  • Female Attraction Mastermind #1: Sexual Escalation Secrets – The Step-By-Step Method To Getting Any Girl From A Date To The Bedroom, retail value $97.00
  • Female Attraction Mastermind #2: Total Control, Complete Devotion To You – Advanced Communication Tactics, retail value $97.00
  • Female Attraction Mastermind #3: Total Control, Complete Devotion To You – Total Addiction, Get Her To Chase You, retail value $97.00…
  • Female Attraction Mastermind #4: Sex Techniques To Blow Her Mind the First Time (With Demonstrations), retail price $79.00…
  • FREE Bonus, Friend Into Lover – How To Unfriend-Zone-Yourself, retail price $97.00…

How much would it be worth to you if the secrets inside this program allowed you to get the girl of your dreams? $1000? $10,000?

I don’t know about you, but for most guys I know, even finding a great girl is rare.

There’s no worse feeling in the world than finally finding that special someone and having her lose interest in you.

On the other hand, there is no better feeling than meeting that special girl and having her be the one to want a relationship with you.

It’s the best feeling in the whole world, really.

I created Female Attraction Mastermind to GUARANTEE you can do just that, get the girl of your dreams and make her fall madly in love with you.

But You’re NOT Paying Full Price…

Now, the entire package of Female Attraction Mastermind has a retail price of $467, but you’re not going to pay that.

You’re not even going to pay HALF of that.

You won’t even pay half of 250 bucks, not even 125.

For a limited time only, and only through this video you’re watching right now, you get it all, the entire Female Attraction Mastermind program plus the Friend Into Lover bonus program for only $69.

That’s right, only $69.

Click below and order right now. Order now instantly. Try Female Attraction Mastermind risk-free for one full year because I want to make this investment a total no-brainer for you.

I’ll immediately have access to everything below:

  • The Female Attraction Mastermind Videos – Over 6 hours of revealing videos with EXPLICIT GIRL-ON-GIRL DEMONSTRATIONS.
  • Find Out How To Pick Up Women – by learning EXACTLY what has worked on them in the past – in their own words!…
  • Contains Dozens of Tips To Turn Her On – Get her horny before you even take her home, that night…
  • I’ll Get Solid Sex Techniques for Approaching, Conversation, Natural Attract, Sexual Chemistry, Un-friend-Zone Yourself and How To Get Her To Chase You For Sex.
  • I’ll Discover Special Techniques that show me how to get a date with a girl, and get her into her bed.

And I’ll save almost four hundred dollars when I invest in Female Attraction Mastermind, right now.

On that basis, I want access right now!

Hurry… This MASSIVE Discount Is For Right Now, And Only Right Now…

You must decide to watch the Female Attraction Mastermind videos now… or never. Because only two things can happen right now.

You decide to UPGRADE YOUR GROWTH MATRIX ORDER with Female Attraction Mastermind…or…

You will lose your MASSIVE “new buyers only” discount for good. (That’s like flushing $400 down the drain.)

I’m only allowing a select group of men into the Female Attraction Mastermind course.

Under 500 men, to be exact.

So take your time and read this page.

Just remember that if that 500th spot gets filled before you click “Add To Cart” your copy of Female Attraction Mastermind is gone for good.

Click the button at the bottom of this page. You’ll get all the Female Attraction Mastermind videos for just $69 – and you’ll bank a huge four hundred dollar discount.

P.S. In Female Attraction Mastermind, you’ll get the secrets to smoothly going from a date to the bedroom with a girl, then how to give her incredible mind-blowing orgasms the very first time you are together.

The program comes with a one-year, money-back guarantee.

If you are ever unsatisfied for any reason, simply send it back for a full refund with no questions asked and no hassles.

I’m that confident these techniques will transform your sex life like they have for so many men, and I want to prove it to you.

I promise you, you’ll be happy you did.

Course Overview
Learn how to talk to and pick up girls. Girls will be begging you for sex!
You get 12 videos, that's over 196 minutes of content!
For the low price of $69.00